Got acne?

Got acne?
Do you or someone you know suffer from acne?
I did.  DID!  No longer do!  
It started in high school.  You think it's normal hormonal stuff teenagers go through, right?  
Wrong in my case anyway.
Other girls would say, "Oh my gosh!  I have a zit!"
Me, "Okay, my whole face is covered...(eyeroll)...shut up, please."
20 years past high school, still had acne.
About 3 years or so ago I took gluten out of my diet for other health reasons.  
Guess what!!
I had tried all the topicals, the face washes, ProActive, Rodan & Fields, a few medications, and almost gave in to Accutane.  
All along, it was my gut health.  
There you go.  If you or someone you know suffers from acne, go gluten free!!
Along with going gluten free, focus on good gut health.  I believe acne is an outward sign of something else health wise going on in your body.  Work to get to the root cause and enjoy life without the break outs.
EVERYTHING YOU PUT INTO YOUR BODY MATTERS.  Make wise choices.  I understand that everyone is different.  What worked for me may not work for everyone.  But, what’s the harm in taking gluten out of your diet for awhile?  Cheap and safe!
~ Lavenda

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